Thursday, September 20, 2018

Halstead, Blog Post 10 (Cantu Chp. 6)

Image result for U.S citizens being sworn in

Overview: The image above shows a room full of brand new Americans being sworn in. I have the opportunity to lead a civics discussion prior to a similar event that will be taking place in the Renaissance Collesium next week. High school students who have lived in America their entire lives likely know less than all of the people in the room above when it comes to U. S government. It is our charge as teachers to prepare students to be good digital citizens so that they can be good citizens in general, as technology use and digital information transfer in the United States become ubiquitous.

Screencast: Screencast 10

Big Question: How can teachers best prepare students for digital, as well as actual, participation in U.S society?

Interactive Site: This page on the cyberwise website features a host of different interactive games teachers can use to introduce students to digital citizenship. One of the games is featured on Brain Pop, which was popular in my school when I was younger.

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