Sunday, September 2, 2018

Halstead, Blog Post 3

MDE Social Studies Standards
Overview: The image above comes from the website for Minneapolis public schools. I have used this image because I believe it presents multiple facets of History SS standards in a clean and inviting graphic, and the topic of this blog's screencast is standards. More specifically, the state and national standards in History SS that we will be using as teachers to guide our lessons and our students, including National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Standards, Common Core State Standards, and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Standards.

Screencast: Screencast 3

Big Question: What standards do we use in creating lessons for our students?

Interactive Website: The interactive site I have chosen for this blog post is a page from the Common Core State Standards Initiative site. This page provides an interactive map of the United States and its territories with links to each state/ territories' learning standards, color-coded by whether or not they have adopted the common core. It can be found by clicking here: Common Core State Standards Initiative Map

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