Sunday, October 21, 2018

Halstead, Blog Post 15

Image result for st louis riots

Overview: The top image shows a protestor in the Black Lives Matter movement, standing in front of a detachment of St. Louis police officers during what would come to be called riots after the death of Micheal Brown at the hands of a police officer. The bottom image shows voters in voting booths. Both could be characterized as civic participation in the United States, and it is important that students understand the various ways they can participate civically. Chapter 9 of Dr. Cantu's book highlights the National Standards for Civics and Government, which are voluntary standards focussed on civics in education.

Screencast: Screencast 15

Big Question: How can we promote civic participation to our students?

Interactive Site: The interactive site for this blog is called The Redistricting Game. This game demonstrates how redistricting works in a way that is fun and engaging. It is a great tool to use when discussing state and local politics, as well as partisan districts and gerrymandering.

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