Thursday, October 25, 2018

Halstead, Blog Post 17

Image result for accurate map of the world
Overview: The importance of geography to history cannot be overstated. Students have a hard time connecting to ideas or stories when they cannot connect them with a "where." Often, it is the charge of history teachers to bring history to a place for students. the image above shows the most accurate world map to date and can be used to demonstrate to students the true scale of the continents.  The screencast below explores the idea of connections between geography and history.

Screencast: Screencast 17

Big Question: Should we attempt to integrate geography into upper-level history courses?

Interactive Site: The interactive site for this blog is Google Earth. This interactive globe is an excellent way to introduce students to continents, nations, and places. The level of detail is incredible, and major cities even have 3-D rendering of the structures, as well as images at street-view. It is an easy and fun to use tool.

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